Wine 10.0 brings Arm Windows apps to Linux, still is not an emulator

Wine 10.0 brings Arm Windows apps to Linux, still is not an emulator

The open source Wine project—sometimes stylized WINE, for Wine Is Not an Emulator—has become an important tool for companies and individuals who want to make Windows apps and games run on operating systems like Linux or even macOS. The CrossOver software for Mac and Windows, Apple’s Game Porting Toolkit, and the Proton project that powers Valve’s SteamOS and the Steam Deck are all rooted in Wine, and the attention and resources put into the project in recent years have dramatically improved its compatibility and usefulness.

Yesterday, the Wine project announced the stable release of version 10.0, the next major version of the compatibility layer that is not an emulator. The headliner for this release is support for ARM64EC, the application binary interface (ABI) used for Arm apps in Windows 11, but the release notes say that the release contains “over 6,000 individual changes” produced over “a year of development effort.”

ARM64EC allows developers to mix Arm and x86-compatible code—if you’re making an Arm-native version of your app, you can still allow the use of more obscure x86-based plugins or add-ons without having to port everything over at once. Wine 10.0 also supports ARM64X, a different type of application binary file that allows ARM64EC code to be mixed with older, pre-Windows 11 ARM64 code.

Wine’s ARM64EC support does have one limitation that will keep it from working on some prominent Arm Linux distributions, at least by default: the release notes say it “requires the system page size to be 4K, since that is what the Windows ABI specifies.” Several prominent Linux-on-Arm distributions default to a 16K page size because it can improve performance—when page sizes are smaller, you need more of them, and managing a higher number of pages can introduce extra CPU overhead.

Asahi Linux, the Fedora-based distribution that is working to bring Linux to Apple Silicon Macs, uses 16K pages because that’s all Apple’s processors support. Some versions of the Raspberry Pi OS also default to a 16K page size, though it’s possible to switch to 4K for compatibility’s sake. Given that the Raspberry Pi and Asahi Linux are two of the biggest Linux-on-Arm projects going right now, that does at least somewhat limit the appeal of ARM64EC support in Wine. But as we’ve seen with Proton and other successful Wine-based compatibility layers, laying the groundwork now can deliver big benefits down the road.

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