Now the overclock-curious can buy a delidded AMD 9800X3D, with a warranty

Now the overclock-curious can buy a delidded AMD 9800X3D, with a warranty

The integrated heat spreaders put on CPUs at the factory are not the most thermally efficient material you could have on there, but what are you going to do—rip it off at the risk of killing your $500 chip with your clumsy hands?

Yes, that is precisely what enthusiastic overclockers have been doing for years, delidding, or decapping (though the latter term is used less often in overclocking circles), chips through various DIY techniques, allowing them to replace AMD and Intel’s common denominator shells with liquid metal or other advanced thermal interface materials.

As you might imagine, it can be nerve-wracking, and things can go wrong in just one second or one degree Celsius. In one overclocking forum thread, a seasoned expert noted that Intel’s Core Ultra 200S spreader (IHS) needs to be heated above 165° C for the indium (transfer material) to loosen. But then the glue holding the IHS is also loose at this temperature, and there is only 1.5–2 millimeters of space between IHS and surface-mounted components, so it’s easy for that metal IHS to slide off and take out a vital component with it. It’s quite the Saturday afternoon hobby.

That is the typical overclocking bargain: You assume the risk, you void your warranty, but you remove one more barrier to peak performance. Now, though, Thermal Grizzly, led by that same previously mentioned expert, Roman “der8auer” Hartung, has a new bargain to present. His firm is delidding AMD’s Ryzen 9800X3D CPUs with its own ovens and specialty tools, then selling them with two-year warranties that cover manufacturer’s defects and “normal overclocking damage,” but not mechanical damage.

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