Installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Windows 11 Using VirtualBox

Installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Windows 11 Using VirtualBox

Installing Ubuntu on a Windows operating system can be a great way to explore Linux without altering your main OS. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Oracle VirtualBox on Windows 11. VirtualBox allows you to run multiple operating systems on your host computer, enabling you to use Ubuntu virtually alongside Windows. Let’s get started!

What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. With VirtualBox, you can install and run other operating systems, like Ubuntu, on your Windows host without affecting your existing system. This is particularly useful for testing, development, or simply learning about Linux.

Read More: 3 Methods to Upgrading to Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting Start: Downloading VirtualBox

Before installing Ubuntu, we need to download and install VirtualBox. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open your favorite web browser and search for “VirtualBox“. You will see a big Download VirtualBox button.
Downloading VirtualBox from the official site
  1. Click on the button or navigate to Downloads and select Windows hosts. This will download an executable (.exe) file.
Selecting Windows host for download
  1. Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Downloading Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ISO File

Next, we need to download the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ISO file. This is the file we will use to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox.

  1. Open your web browser and search for Ubuntu, then navigate to Downloads.
Navigating to Ubuntu downloads
  1. Navigate to the downloads section and find the 22.04 LTS version. Make sure to choose the LTS version as it has long-term support.
Selecting Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for download
  1. Click on the green button to download the ISO file.

Setting Up the Virtual Machine (Ubuntu 22.04) in VirtualBox

Once you have VirtualBox installed and the Ubuntu ISO file downloaded, it’s time to set up your virtual machine:

  1. Open VirtualBox and click on the “New” button to create a new virtual machine.
Creating a new virtual machine in VirtualBox
  1. Give your virtual machine a name like “Ubuntu 22.04”. VirtualBox will automatically detect the type as “Linux” and version as “Ubuntu (64-bit)”.
Naming the new virtual machine
  1. Select the memory size. It’s recommended to move the slider to the end of the green mark, which is typically around 4 GB for Ubuntu.
Selecting memory size for Ubuntu VM
  1. Choose to create a new virtual hard disk now and click Create.
Creating a new virtual hard disk
  1. Leave the hard disk file type as VDI and click Next.
Choosing storage type for the virtual hard disk
  1. Select Dynamically allocated for the storage type and click Next.
Choosing storage type for the virtual hard disk
  1. Allocate around 100 GB for your virtual hard disk and click Create.
Setting size of the virtual hard disk

Configuring the Virtual Machine

Now that you have created the virtual machine, you need to configure it before starting:

  1. Select your newly created virtual machine and click on “Settings”.
Opening settings for the virtual machine
  1. In the General section, go to Advanced and set Shared Clipboard and Drag and Drop to Bi-directional.
Setting shared clipboard options
  1. In the System section, you can allocate more CPUs if your machine allows it. For example, allocate 4 CPUs.
Allocating CPUs for the virtual machine
  1. In the Storage section, click on the empty disk icon, then click on the CD icon to select the Ubuntu ISO file you downloaded earlier.
Selecting the Ubuntu ISO file for installation

Now that everything is set up, we can start the installation of Ubuntu.

  1. Select your virtual machine and click on Start.
Starting the virtual machine
  1. When prompted, select Try or Install Ubuntu and press Enter.
Choosing to try or install Ubuntu
  1. Select your preferred language and click on Install Ubuntu.
Selecting language for installation
  1. Choose your keyboard layout and click Continue.
Selecting keyboard layout
  1. In the next window, select Normal installation and check the boxes for downloading updates and installing third-party software. Then click Continue.
Choosing installation options
  1. When you see the option Erase disk and install Ubuntu, don’t worry; this only applies to the virtual hard disk and not your host machine. Click Install Now.
Confirming installation
  1. Select your region and click Continue.
Choose region
  1. Fill in your details, including your name, computer name, and password, then click Continue.
Entering user details
  1. The installation will now proceed. Wait until the progress bar reaches 100%.
Installation progress
  1. Once the installation is complete, click on Restart Now.
Restarting Ubuntu

When prompted, remove the installation medium and press Enter. Your virtual machine will restart, and you will see the login screen for Ubuntu.

Post-Installation: VirtualBox Guest Additions

After installation, it is important to install VirtualBox Guest Additions to optimize performance and improve usability.

  1. Open the terminal in Ubuntu and run the following command to update the package list:

    sudo apt update

Updating package list in Ubuntu
  1. Next, install the required packages:

    sudo apt install -y build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Installing required packages
  1. In VirtualBox, click on Devices and select Insert Guest Additions CD Image.
Inserting Guest Additions CD Image
  1. Open the mounted CD image and run the script to install Guest Additions.
Running Guest Additions installation script
  1. After installation, restart your virtual machine to apply the changes.
Restarting Ubuntu after Guest Additions installation

Using Ubuntu on VirtualBox

Now you can use Ubuntu on your Windows 11 system through VirtualBox. You should notice improved performance and functionality due to the Guest Additions installation, including the ability to resize the window and share files between the host and guest OS.

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To wrap things up

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on your Windows 11 operating system using VirtualBox. This setup allows you to explore Ubuntu and its features without affecting your main system. Enjoy your journey into the world of Linux!

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